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Report taken from Bulletin 3/99 : We had the honour to organise and host the annual SGSMP continuous professional education course in Bellinzona. The subject chosen for this year, Electronic Portal Imaging Devices, their physics and the practical application in clinical routine, revealed to be appealing for our Society. More than 70 participants attended the meeting, including roughly 15 collegues from Northern Italy. As a second great result, we have to underline and recognise, the enthusiastic cooperation from the companies invited to sponsor and to participate to the meeting with their contributions. Bioscan (from Geneva), Elekta, Infimed, Siemens, Varian and Wellhoefer accepted our invitation and guaranteed the presence of technical speakers at the meeting. The generous sponsorship of one company allowed us also to invite Dr. M. van Herk from the Netherland Cancer Institute. Hes one of the pioneers of the field and was invited to report his deep experience about a particularly stimulating application of EPIDs: clinical in vivo dosimetry using a liquid ionisation EPID. The second invited contribution which enriched the program was coming from the Paul Scherrer Institute; Dr. Eros Pedroni presented their prototype of a dosimetry verification system for scanned proton beams using a CCD camera, a promising way to extend EPID technology to more exotic applications. Thank you Eros for your friendly participation. From the companies we obtained an equilibrated mixture between the technical aspects of their products and the commercial information. To summarise the future of EPIDs in a couple of statements, we firstly learnt that dosimetric applications will guide research and developements and secondly that new (silicon) detectors will allow significative enhancement in resolution and contrast with shortest acquisition times and better calibration control. Also in the field of Quality Assurance, the tecnology of Electronic Portal Imaging will finally help us for routine controls of beam characteristics, even for dynamic beams (like dynamic wedges). Some of the EPIDs are already equipped with dedicated tools, and on the market we can now find other dedicated instruments which seem to offer versatile devices, machine independent, for two dimensional QA procedures. Luca
Cozzi (for the organisers)
The meeting took
place at Hotel Unione, near the FFS
Mains Station : Industrial participants and Sponsors : |
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by Wolf W. Seelentag, last update: 13 September 2011. Please forward any comments and/or additions to this webpage to : Webmaster SGSMP. |