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The Society
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Board members at large
: meeting in La Vue-des-Alpes on 22 June 1998

Standing (from left) : Alfred Willi (Chur), Wolf
Seelentag (St.Gallen), Christian Wernli (Villigen),
Walter Burkard (Zürich), Markus Notter (Aarau),
Jean-François Germond (La Chaux-de-Fonds, President),
Roberto Mini (Bern), Bernard Davis (Zürich), Silvia
Kleiner (Secretariat), Léon André (Bern), Regina Seiler
sitting (from left) : Jean-François Valley (Lausanne),
Stefan Scheib (Zürich), Horst Nemec (Basel), Pascal
Schweizer (Zürich), Jakob Roth (Basel);
excused : Ernst Elmer (Bern), Christian Michel (Zürich).
In the meantime we are all one year
older : last meeting of the "97/99 board" at
the President's home on 07 September 1999

Standing (from left) : Horst Nemec (Basel), Léon André
(Bern), Christian Michel (Zürich), Pascal Schweizer
(Zürich), Regina Seiler (Luzern), Alfred Willi (Chur);
sitting (from left) : Jean-François Germond (La
Chaux-de-Fonds, President), Wolf Seelentag (St.Gallen).
Ten years later (27 Jan 2009) we take a break during
a board meeting at University of Bern. Two of the old boys are still
there - though with even less hair on their heads:

From the left: Werner Roser (Villigen), Marc Pachoud (Lausanne), Wolf
Seelentag (St.Gallen), Daniel Vetterli (Biel), Luca Cozzi (Bellinzone,
President SGSMP), Peter Manser (Bern), Frédéric Corminboeuf (Bern,
President SBMP), Jean-François Germond (La Chaux-de-Fonds), Angelika
Pfäfflin (Basel), Markus Notter (La Chaux-de-Fonds). Read
what the board members have to say about themselves.