Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Strahlenbiologie und Medizinische Physik
Société Suisse de Radiobiologie et de Physique Médicale
Società Svizzera di Radiobiologia e di Fisica Medica
Swiss Society of Radiobiology and Medical Physics

Combined Symposium and
Membership Assemblies 2003 of SGSMP and SBMP
30-31 October 2003

Main page


Calendar of events

Welcome / Geneva / Venue / General Information / Program / Industrial Exhibition / Sponsors


Geneva,  30-31October 2003


October 30 12h30 - 16h45
12h30-12h40 Welcome and introduction: Habib Zaidi and Wolf Seelentag
12h40-12h45 Opening address: M. Bernard Gruson - Directeur Général, HUG
12h45-16h45 Session: Radiation therapy and Conference Lecture
Chairs: Wolf Seelentag and Habib Zaidi
12h45-13h30 Dr. Calvin Huntzinger - Varian Medical Systems, USA
Dynamic targeting: Image-guided motion management
13h30-13h50 Dr. Paul G. Seiler - PSI, Switzerland
Real time tracking of tumour positions for precision irradiation
13h50-14h10 Dr. Andy Beavis - University of Hull, UK
Functional imaging-guided treatment planning in intensity modulated radiotherapy
14h10-14h30 Coffee break
14h30-15h20 Conference Lecture (in German) by the SGSMP Honorary Member 2002
Prof. Bernhard Rassow
- Hamburg University, Germany
Optical illusions and deceptions: never trust your eyes!
15h20-15h40 Dr. Eros Pedroni - PSI, Switzerland
Latest developments at PSI proton therapy facility
15h40-16h00 Dr. Raymond Miralbell - Geneva University, Switzerland
The proton therapy project in the lemanic arc: current status and future prospects
16h00-16h45 Prof. Ugo Amaldi - CERN, Switzerland
Future trends in cancer therapy with particle accelerators
16h45-17h30 Welcome reception (Swiss Society of Radiobiology and Medical Physics)
17h30-19h00 Membership Assembly of SGSMP
19h00-20h00 Membership Assembly of SBMP

October 31 08h30-13h30
08h30-13h30 Session: Molecular imaging
Chairs: Habib Zaidi and Allan Clark
08h30-09h00 Dr. Habib Zaidi - Geneva University, Switzerland
Quantification in SPECT and PET: Quo vadis
09h00-09h50 Prof. Bruce Hasegawa - UCSF, USA
New horizons in multi-modality imaging devices
09h50-10h20 Dr. Peter Weilhammer - CERN, Switzerland
Is there a future for Compton-enhanced imaging systems in nuclear medicine?
10h20-10h50 Prof. Bruce Hasegawa - UCSF, USA
Future design of small animal imaging systems
10h50-11h10 Coffee break
11h10-11h40 Prof. Daniel Slosman - Geneva University, Switzerland
Perspectives in clinical PET imaging
11h40-12h10 Prof. Hussain Abdel-Dayem - New York Medical College, USA
The new challenges for PET clinical applications in oncology
12h10-13h00 Prof. Alan Perkins - Nottingham University, UK
Is there a future for targeted radionuclide therapy?
13h00-13h30 Prof. Patrick Aebischer - EPFL, Switzerland
Perspectives in molecular imaging of gene expression
13h30 Official closing of the symposium: Habib Zaidi
13h30-14h30 Lunch
14h30-15h30 Visit of Geneva Cyclotron unit, HUG (optional) - Prof Gerd Beyer
Top of page This page is maintained by Habib Zaidi. / Last updated: 20 October 2003 (wws).
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